INGLÉS: Different Cultures
Nombre: Melany Tuza
Curso: 1BGU A
Robotic Bee Hive
Robotic beehive developed by the Israeli company Beewise. In addition bees swarm inhabit the hive and bee numbers have declined drastically worldwide due to intensive agriculture, pests and climate change, also Beewise's hive is about the size of a cargo trailer, houses 24 colonies, is equipped with a robotic arm that glides between the honeycombs a computer vision and cameras. Color-coded openings on the sides allow the bees to enter and exit. Finally, the machine could do everything a beekeeper would do, the robotic mechanism can mimic him and do it more efficiently without tiring, without going on vacation and without complaining.Drone surveillance is not the same anymore
The drone revolution serves to address two urgent requirements for the military. In addition, the use of drones raises several ethical questions and completely changes the rules of warfare, and the use of drones to kill people has been "highly controversial" in the agency and the consequences of the robotic revolution are profound. It is hoped that combat responsibility will continue to "instill in operators a proper sense of culture and ethics, so that it never becomes a video game."
Your face as a letter of introduction
Taking care of your appearance is a very important aspect in today's society. As it reflects age, feelings and even mood, it is also a part of the body that is not covered with clothing, so it is permanently exposed to weather attacks, so the care of the face begins with a proper cleaning routine. It is best to speak the truth and tell the real effects of the product or service you are referring to.
Reuters. (2021, 10 agosto). Abejas encuentran refugio en
colmena robótica creada por empresa israelí. Voz de América.
Temas para un blog de estética - Bloguero Pro. (s. f.).
Sanz, J. E. (2021b, septiembre 1). Drones militares y las
nuevas reglas de la guerra. The
BBC News Mundo. (2010b, febrero 8). Aviones no tripulados cambian la guerra.
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